Engage with AI's Future Through Our Desktop App

Experience unparalleled conversation with ChatGPT, the leading-edge AI, using our optimized desktop application. Revolutionize the way you interact with Artificial Intelligence.

☝️ Lifetime access only €29

ChatGPT desktop app

Features That Transform Your AI Interaction Experience

Explore the unique capabilities of our desktop app, built to elevate your engagement with ChatGPT, turning every conversation into a journey of discovery

All ChatGPT Models

Learn about the contact model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list contacts.

System Instruction

Learn about the contact model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list contacts.

Library Prompt

Learn about the contact model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list contacts.

Light/Dark Mode

Learn about the contact model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list contacts.

Chat History Search

Learn about the contact model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list contacts.

 Chat Folders

Learn about the contact model and how to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list contacts.

...more soon!

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ObbyGPT is launching Soon

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One-time payment, Access Forever

Any questions? Feel free to DM me on Twitter or send me an email.

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Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

  • How can I place a pre-launch order?

    You can place a pre-launch order by clicking on the payment link available on our landing page. See pricing section

  • Is it safe to place an order?

    Yes, all payments are processed through a secure payment platform and we comply with all privacy and data protection regulations.

  • What happens after I place an order?

    Once you've placed a pre-launch order, you'll receive a confirmation email. As soon as the product or service becomes available, you'll be the first to know!

  • Can I cancel my order?

    Yes, you can cancel your order at any time before the product or service is launched. To do so, please contact our customer service.

  • When will your app be launched?

    We are working hard to launch our app as soon as possible. Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with all the latest news.

  • What are the benefits of pre-launch?

    Gives you the opportunity to be among the first to receive our product or service. Additionally, orders may benefit from exclusive offers and special discounts.

  • How can I contact you if I have questions?

    We are always available to answer your questions! You can reach us via email, phone, or through our social media channels.